Volunteers in Public Schools
Little Rock School District
616 N Harrison Street
Little Rock, AR 72205
501-447-ViPS www.ViPSLRSD.org
ViPS Board of Directors and sponsoring organizations
Community support is vital to public education. Positive and productive relationships between stakeholders strengthens the overall educational processes and increases the likelihood of student success. The ViPS community advisory board was established in 1972 during the organization's inception. Today, the 28-member board is comprised of members-at-large and representatives from over a dozen sponsoring organization.

Volunteers in Public Schools 2024-2025 Board and staff: (Row 1 L-R) Denise Persons, Devita Harden, Pamela Smith, Kaye Rainey, Gay Wyatt, Nell Matthews, Rita Qualls, Tammy Blaylock (Row 2 L-R) Kathryn Buril, Kenetta Ridgell, Temeka Williams, Sonya Ridout, Lori Diffey, Ginny Belotti, Sandra Hatley, DeShun Coates, Greta Freeman, Teresa Knapp-Gordon, Ashley East, Charlene Kirk, Wuanita Jenkins, Angela Alexander, Jackie Merrell. Not pictured: Bettye Baxter, Gerald Canada, Tyrone Harris, Eric Higgins, Mark McGraw, WJ Monagle, Anne Solomon
Tammy Blaylock
Jackie Merrell