School Nurse

To keep our school and community safe you should ...

1. Keep your child home if they are not feeling well or are sick.
2. Send your child to school with a proper fitted mask covering the nose and mouth.
3. If you have your child tested, please keep them home until you have test results. If Negative results are received, the student may return to school (send documentation). If Positive results are received, the student must isolate until isolation period is complete.
4. If you or another family member has tested positive, please reach out to your child’s school nurse for further guidance before sending your child to school


Nurse Rice cannot give any medications without written parental consent LRSD approved Medication Authorization Release (MAR) Form. Parents must bring ALL medication s in a labeled container. Any PRN (as needed) over the counter medications must have a doctor's note, MAR and in a labeled container.

Immunization Requirements

Parkview families, if your student needs a physical, updated vaccinations, or Exemption Letters for 2023-2024, please make note of the following options:

  1.  Your health care provider/Primary Care Physician

  2. LRSD Health Clinics (See attached flyer)

  3. Arkansas Department of Health, Pulaski Central (Immunizations Only) 501-580-3100

  4. Arkansas Department of Health, SW (Immunizations Only) 501-565-9311

  5. Arkansas Department of Health, NLR (Immunizations Only) 501-501-791-8551

  6. Arkansas Children's Hospital (501) 364-1202


Physicals for sports

Parkview Health Requirements

Middle School Health Requirements

If your student has an exemption, the exemption letter MUST be updated yearly. If you have any questions about your child's immunization status, please contact the Arkansas Department of Health or their Primary Care Provider. 

Flu Clinic

We will have a flu clinic on October 29, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the media center. Consent forms will be sent very soon!

Rae Rice

Ms. Rae Rice, registered nurse

Nurse Rice is responsible for tracking immunizations, dispensing medication, treating sick or injured children or faculty, and as of late, is a liasion between the district, parents and the health department during the global pandemic. Phone:

Phone: 447-2305