
Contact Us

Please contact Communications Department at:

Email address: 

Mailing Address:
LRSD Communications Dept.
Attn: Webmaster - Reunion
810 West Markham Street
Little Rock, AR 72201

Welcome to Reunions

It's never too late to attend your first class reunion! Rediscover the people, places, and pop culture of your youth. Reconnect with the past and build friendships for the future.

If you have reunion information you would like to have posted on our website, and/or would like to act as the contact for your class reunion, please include the following:

School Name, Class Year, Reunion Date(s), Contact Person(s), eMail and phone number for contacts. 

If you don't see your reunion listed, that means we have not received any information at this time. Please note, we do not always receive reunion information on all classes.

This is for schools in the Little Rock School District only. We include schools that have closed or schools that were classified as a high school in the past.